
Fabio Armani
Founder & CEO, Open Ware, Italy

Fabio Armani is an independent professional with almost twenty-five years of experience in the field of Information Technology. He helps companies in Lean Agile adoptions, transitions and rollouts, with organizational and executive coaching and consulting services.

Fabio acts as an organizational coach and works directly with executives, top managers, managers of IT and business teams in order to help them assimilate, deploy, and apply Agile principles. IT Director of Technology, and Sr. Project Manager in a wide variety of business applications. Particularly interested in OO, AOD and Enterprise solutions. Always interested in new development methodologies, client focus delivery, as well as close interaction with open source J2EE and Aspect Oriented Development communities.

Fabio is founder of the Lean Agile Italy network (for Agile & Lean thinkers and practitioners in Italy)


This talk is related to the ‘mapping’ concepts and approaches that in the last years have gained a large and deep adoption in the Lean Agile community – especially in the Product Ownership area.

What I’m talking about? I’m considering the “Impact Mapping” from Gojco Adzic, or the “User Story Map” of Jeff Patton, among others.

This tall it’s not a theoretical one – i.e. a completive list of tools, approaches, … It’s strength is the real world experience in mapping the Value (form Concept to Cash) in a large set of different contexts and worlds where my coaching and Lean Agile consulting bring me as an explorer of new horizons.

More practically I’ll discussa you the problem we got and the options and solution we obtain with this approach.

I will finish the talk speaking about new perspective e new approaching in creating a sorte of ‘unified view’ of Value Mapping, not considering onlyy IMs, USMs, … or other tools in a detached way, but integrating them in a powerful mind set based on complexity thinking.

Your takeaway:

Buy participating at this talk you’ll take away;

  • Impact Mapping
  • User Story Mapping
  • Complexity Thinking as a Mind set
  • Changing the world by mapping the Value
  • New perspectives
  • Real experiences form the field

Fabio Armani


Mapping the Value

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